How To Build A Barrel Compost Bin


There are lots of different materials we can use to build compost bins. From wood to chicken wire, there are a lot of different materials that are suitable. One of the best and also the easiest ways is to make a compost barrel. It is literally instant, or at the most an hour out of your day. Quick and effective if done right it can also turn in to a nightmare if you make a compost barrel bin wrong. Ensure that you build your compost bin the right way or you will end up with nothing but a foul smelling barrel full of half rotten vegetation. If in doubt then it may be better to just buy an Achla compost tumbler.

Building Compost Barrels

Using a barrel as a compost bin is a very quick way to make a compost bin. You will need very few materials to make an effective compost bin that will produce quality compost. Here is what you will need:

  • A Barrel

  • A few blocks or bricks

  • A drill

That really is it.

compost barrelTo make a barrel suitable for being used as a compost bin you need to get hold of a barrel from wherever possible. Metal or plastic will be fine. I prefer plastic as metal can dry out the contents quicker. This means you will need to be a little stricter at ensuring that the contents are always kept moist.

You need to drill plenty of holes in the barrel compost bin. I mean a lot of holes. Use as large a drill bit as possible. Make the holes as regular as you can all the way around the barrel. Every foot or so is a good idea. Also drill holes in the bottom so it can drain any excess liquids away. Or alternatively you can place something underneath the barrel to collect this nutrient rich liquid.

This is what the blocks or bricks are for. You want to keep the composting barrel raised off the ground slightly to both ensure good drainage and to give you the option of collecting the liquid.

Ensure that you really do make lots of holes in your barrel compost bin. If there is not sufficient drainage and airflow through the barrel then the contents will not compost very well or very quickly. That really is about it for a compost bin made from barrels. It is a very easy way to make a basic compost bin that keeps all the organic matter in one nice neat spot. A compost barrel bin is ideal for anyone who wants a quick and efficient way of making a compost bin themselves.

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